Sunday, November 25, 2012

Nomadic Matt

Nomadic Matt is one of my favorite travel blogs. He is a fun writer and truly wants to share his love for travel and how to do it on a budget.  He will wander off the beaten track, explore the real world and do it cheaply. He has also been able to have his writing pay for his travel. Something that many of us would LOVE to do. Visit him here: Nomadic Matt

A Sample from his Blog...

Cheap Accommodation: Getting Beyond the Hotel/Hostel Dynamic

November 19th, 2012 // by Nomadic Matt // Travel Advice // 43 Comments »
I don’t really like staying in hotels. I generally avoid them because of how much they cost. I just don’t see the point of paying $100+ per night for a room I will barely be in most of the day. It seems like a waste of money – no matter how nice a hotel can be. So I stick to the other end of the spectrum: I stay in hostels, with their dorm beds and cheap prices. I love hostels, [...]

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