Sunday, March 10, 2013

Shipwreck museum in Puerto Aventura

 This little museum in Puerto Aventuras is worth the half hour you will spend there if you enjoy diving or sailing, history and culture. The artifacts recovered by a diving club are well displayed, documented and varied. There are Spanish shipwrecks as well as Mayan artifacts from offerings thrown into underground pools called cenotes as well as a history of the diving club. Free will donations are greatly appreciated. You will find it on the back side of the mall surrounding the dolphin plaza area in Puerto Aventuras.

Reconstructed canon carriage for a recovered canon. Other artifacts shown below.

Winter Escape

Back home winter is pushing one last (I hope) assault, trying to leave a lasting impression of cold and wind. But in the warm of tropical ocean breezes it is ages away.
 I used to check messages and email a couple of times a day, but the last couple of trips I lasted 3 or 4 days before I had to get my internet fix.
 Beautiful colors, although it is probably new construction. This is what the world is like outside of the cookie cutter subdivisions.
My last sunrise by the ocean until the next trip.