Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Working for the weekend

I have a job where I have very flexible hours in the months of June and July. However, these are my husbands busiest times of the year. I find the shift from the daily job during the rest of the year to the flex schedule in the summer (and I only have to put in about 15 total days in these two months) is hard to adapt to. I have so many things that I put on hold until I have the summer "off" and then the weather is so nice and I have each day to myself and before you know it, the time flies by with only one or two of my goals for the day accomplished.

One way I cope is to treat every morning like work. When I have finished my "paid" work there is time for my saved up goals. I have my list, I give myself a start time and an end time. I have my big list on a tablet and check them off as they get done and I write my short list on a white board and erase what I get done and add other things as I go. I call it Long Term To Do because I feel better when I get things done that summer.


The afternoons are for outdoor projects like lawn and flowerbed maintenance and appointments or running errands.

Then, before I know it, it is August and time to get back into the regular work routine. And when winter arrives I am ready for vacation!

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