The Coba ruins in Mexico are not as visited as Chichen Itza, and not as manicured, but are magical in their own half hidden way.
The site dates from AD 600 to 900 and that makes it older than Chichen Itza. The ruins were discovered in the late 1800's and were not excavated until 1973. In truth, they are not fully excavated even now.
Many of the mounds you see in the jungle just off the pathways are actually buildings and other structures still buried.
It is a huge complex with many walking paths through the jungle and pedicabs for those who find the walk a bit much. We were there for 2 hours and barely saw anything but the most convenient sites. We started with a guide who gave a brief introduction and cautioned which trees not to touch and then turned us loose.
At the time of our visit, the tallest pyramid in the Yucatan (Nohch Mul) was open for climbing. Be warned, it is steep with very tall steps. Once you get to the top 130+ feet up, the view is breathtaking. There is a rope to help with the descent, but many opt to use the "toddler" decent and sit on their rears and go down one step at a time. Check with my girlfriend at Rekre8r Travel if you want to book a trip and explore your own corners of the world. (

A carved "Stela" or stone tablet
The pyramid (above)
The Mayan ball court (at right)